
Joomla 1.5 Infuse Written Tutorials

How to Install
Replicate the demo
Style Control
Control the style
Menu Options
Choose a menu
Using Typography
Content styling
Logo Editing
Edit the logo

Joomla 1.5 Infuse Video Tutorials


Logo Editing Video Tutorial

Learn how to customise your Infuse logo using Adobe Fireworks with this detailed video tutorial.

Joomla 1.5 Forum Tutorials

Demo Content

We have a forum based tutorial outlining the syntax we use in constructing the frontpage elements of the Infuse demo.


To configure the template, go to Extensions → Template Manager → rt_infuse_j15. There you will find a list of all the template parameters. You can control many aspects of the template here. If you mouseover the labels/names of each parameter, a description will appear via tooltip to outline what each parameter does.


The template has an integrated PNG fix for IE6 that allows transparent PNG32 images to show, as intended, in the IE6 browser. All you need to do is add class="png" to the element such as the change in the following examples:-

<img src="images/sample1.png" alt="sample" />

Change to

<img src="images/sample1.png" alt="sample" class="png" />